

Anago Eel (穴子)

Picture of Anago Eel

Anago Eel was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 13, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Kazuyoshi Masaki (正木数義)

Anglerfish (鱇)

Picture of Anglerfish

Technically, these are truly monkfish but are called anglerfish in the show. Monkfish are a delicacy that live in very deep waters all around the world. Their tail sections are tender and sweet like lobster and they are also known for their large livers which are considered to be quite foie gras-like. In France, where they are known as "poor man's lobster," they used to be discarded out of fishing nets as trash fish or butchered on the boat and delivered as fillets to market to spare folks the sight of... that face.

Anglerfish was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

November 4, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Yasuo Kawada (河田康雄)

November 22, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Kenjirō Kuroki (黒木献二郎)

March 26, 1999
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Seiya Masahara (正原聖也)

External Link: Bonjour Paris - Marvelous Monkfish

Black Tip Grouper (赤羽太)

Black Tip Grouper was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

June 27, 1997
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Kuen Chung Chow (周権忠)

Bonito (鰹)

Bonito was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

May 13, 1994
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Hiromi Funatsu (船津博美)

Carp (コイ)

Picture of Carp

Carp was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

December 1, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Shōzō Miyamoto (宮本荘三)

August 21, 1998
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Kaoru Miyazawa (宮澤薫)

Cod (鱈)

Cod was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

March 17, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Shigeo Yuasa (湯浅薫男)

March 8, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Tatsujirō Yoshida (吉田辰次郎)

January 15, 1999
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Kōei Kamimura (上村孝栄)

Conger Eel (穴子)

Conger Eel was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

August 16, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Toshizo Tsugawa (津川利蔵)

June 6, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Hisato Sakane (坂根久人)

August 13, 1999
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Hiroki Sakai (坂井博基)

Eel (鰻)

Eel was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 5, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Yasuhiko Yoshida (吉田靖彦)

Fatty Tuna (中とろ)

Picture of Fatty Tuna

Chutoro is a cut of tuna from the belly section. Not as fatty and melt-in-your-mouthy as otoro (大とろ), but still luxurious in flavor.

Fatty Tuna was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

July 19, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Yoshimasa Uki (浮義正)

October 2, 1998
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Shinya Tasaki (田崎真也)

Giant Eel (オオウナギ)

Giant Eel was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 7, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Hirokazu Handa (半田博一)

Greater Amberjack (間八)

Greater Amberjack was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

June 20, 1997
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Kunio Satō (佐藤訓生)

External Link: Kanpachi page at The Sushi Geek

Hamachi (鰤)

Hamachi was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

January 2, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Toshirō Kandagawa (神田川俊郎)

January 29, 1999
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Hiroyuki Hakogi (函城弘行)

Horse Mackerel (鯵)

Picture of Horse Mackerel

Horse Mackerel was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

November 18, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Tatsuo Umemiya (梅宮辰夫)

External Link: Aji page at Sushi Geek

Longtooth Grouper (アラ)

Longtooth Grouper was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

December 26, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Toshirō Kandagawa (神田川俊郎)

Marlin (カジキマグロ)

Picture of Marlin

Marlin was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

May 19, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Elio Orsara

Pike Eel (鱧)

Pike Eel was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

August 12, 1994
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Hirohisa Koyama (小山裕久)

July 12, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Hideki Yamamoto (山本秀樹)

July 16, 1999
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Yoshimi Tanigawa (谷河吉己)

Pomfret (まながつお)

Pomfret was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

June 14, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Guanyi Sun (孫関義)

Pufferfish (河豚)

Pufferfish was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

October 31, 1993
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Paolo Indragoli

Red Snapper (鯛)

Red Snapper was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

January 30, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Toshio Tanabe (田辺年男)

February 27, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Yukio Hirayama (平山幸男)

January 2, 2001
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Toshirō Kandagawa (神田川俊郎)

Right Eye Flounder (鰈)

Right Eye Flounder was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

April 14, 1995
Iron Chef French Yukata Ishinabe (石鍋裕) vs Tomoyuki Sawaguchi (澤口知之)

Salmon (サケ)

Picture of Salmon

Salmon was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

October 10, 1993
Iron Chef French Yukata Ishinabe (石鍋裕) vs Takeshi Maruyama (丸山剛)

September 1, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Joël Bruant

April 12, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Bernard Leprince

Salted Salmon (新巻鮭)

Picture of Salted Salmon

Salted Salmon was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

January 9, 1998
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Akihiko Inoue (井上明彦)

Sardine (イワシ)

Picture of Sardine

Sardine was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

June 23, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Yukihiro Noda (野田幸宏)

September 18, 1998
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Hideki Maruyama (丸山日出樹)

Saury (秋刀魚)

Picture of Saury

Saury was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

September 16, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Tsutomu Hiroi (廣井勉)

September 20, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Tokuo Endō (遠藤徳雄)

November 6, 1998
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Kazumi Nagayama (永山和美)

Scorpionfish (カサゴ)

Scorpionfish was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

January 26, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Hiroshi Yamanobe (山野辺宏)

Sea Bass (スズキ)

Sea Bass was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

July 22, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎), Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Masashi Furutaka (古高雅史), Joël Bruant

May 2, 1997
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Kiyoyasu Sasaki (佐々木清恭)

September 3, 1999
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Ryōzō Shigematsu (重松良三)

Sole (舌平目)

Sole was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

July 7, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Takayoshi Kawai (河合隆良)

September 5, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Yoshinori Kojima (小島孔典)

Spanish Mackerel (サワラ)

Spanish Mackerel was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

April 17, 1998
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Mitsurō Harada (原田充朗)

Stingray (えい)

Stingray was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 27, 1999
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Yoshihide Koga (古賀義英)

Sturgeon (チョウザメ)

Picture of Sturgeon

Sturgeon was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 26, 1999
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Ryōzō Asō (浅生良三)

Sweetfish (鮎)

Sweetfish was a theme ingredient in 4 battles:

June 10, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Katsumi Hanato (花戸克己)

July 14, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Haruyoshi Omino (晴愛小美野)

July 5, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Takayuki Nomura (野村孝之)

June 12, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Kenichi Miyanaga (宮永賢一)

Tilefish (甘鯛)

Tilefish was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

April 28, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Keisuke Tamano (玉野圭介)

Tuna (鮪)

Picture of Tuna

Tuna was a theme ingredient in 4 battles:

July 8, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Takashi Mera (米良隆)

October 6, 1995
Pierre Gagnaire vs Gianfranco Vissani

February 20, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Yukio Hattori (服部幸應)

Turbot (平目)

Turbot was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 20, 1994
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Toshirō Kandagawa (神田川俊郎)

Unisex Salmon (鮭児)

The unisex salmon is a rare salmon which has undeveloped sex organs. One in about 5,000 salmon caught in the waters of Hokkaido every Fall are unisex salmon and can be as expensive as $150/pound in the United States.

Unisex Salmon was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

September 25, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Shuichi Fujii (藤井修一)

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