No biographical information for this chef at this time.
February 7, 1948 -
(77 years old)
Battle Statistics
Chef Ishinabe has participated in 8 battles.
Win | Loss | |
# | 7 | 1 |
% | 87.5% | 12.5% |
These stats include battles in which the Iron Chef may have participated with a team.
Cuisine Statistics
Chef Ishinabe has competed against challengers from the following cuisines (solo battles only).
Win | Loss | |
# | 2 | 1 |
% | 66.7% | 33.3% |
Cantonese, Italian, Japanese, Patissier
Win | |
# | 1 |
% | 100% |
Ingredient Category Statistics
Here is how Chef Ishinabe performed using ingredients from various ingredient categories (solo battles only).
Fish, Vegetable
Win | |
# | 2 |
% | 100% |
Loss | |
# | 1 |
% | 100% |
Fruits and Nuts, Legume
Win | |
# | 1 |
% | 100% |