Fruits and Nuts


Apple (林檎)

Picture of Apple

Apples originated in Kazakhstan several thousand years ago. There are over 7,500 varieties of apples, because apples from trees that grew from seeds very, very rarely resemble their parent plant in terms of quality and flavor. The vast majority of apples available come from trees grown from cuttings of a handful of trees of that apple variety that produce good apples.

Apple was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

January 27, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Fuyuko Kondō (近藤冬子)

November 15, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Wayne Nish

External Link: Wikipedia (English)

Banana (バナナ)

Picture of Banana

Bananas are very likely to have been domesticated in Papua New Guinea from an ancestor plant that has fruit with giant pits... nothing like the bananas we know and love today. Don't do a Google Image Search on "wild banana" if you have tryptophobia and/or if you want to ever eat another banana again!

Banana was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

December 12, 1993
Iron Chef French Yukata Ishinabe (石鍋裕) vs Eizō Ōyama (大山栄蔵)

August 28, 1998
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行), Iron Chef French Yukata Ishinabe (石鍋裕), Etsuo Jō (城悦男) vs Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一), Shōzō Miyamoto (宮本荘三), Yūji Wakiya (脇屋友詞)

February 12, 1999
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Hironobu Tsujiguchi (辻口博啓)

External Link: Wikipedia (English)

Chestnut (クリ)

Picture of Chestnut

Chestnut was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

October 25, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Ryūichi Ogusu (小楠隆一)

October 31, 1997
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Yūji Seki (関雄二)

Mango (マンゴー)

Picture of Mango

Mango was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

May 8, 1998
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Yōsei Watanabe (渡辺庸生)

Melon (メロン)

Picture of Melon

Melon was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 22, 1997
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Pietro Androsoni

Orange (オレンジ)

Picture of Orange

Orange was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

December 13, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Yoshio Suzuki (鈴木芳男)

Papaya (パパイヤ)

Picture of Papaya

Papaya was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

March 14, 1997
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Yūji Wakiya (脇屋友詞)

Peach (モモ)

Picture of Peach

Peach was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

September 6, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Takamasa Uetake (植竹隆政)

August 14, 1998
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Masanobu Watabe (渡部政信)

Pear (梨)

Picture of Pear

Pear was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 9, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Tadashi Yanagi (柳正司)

Pineapple (パイナップル)

Picture of Pineapple

Pineapple was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

May 10, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Shunji Morikawa (森川俊二)

Strawberry (苺)

Picture of Strawberry

Strawberry was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

December 16, 1994
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Masayo Waki (脇雅世)

December 19, 1997
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Yasumasa Takagi (高木康政)

Umeboshi (梅干し)

Umeboshi was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 11, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Kenji Kaji (梶憲司)

Watermelon (スイカ)

Picture of Watermelon

Watermelon was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 8, 1997
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行), Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一), Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明)

Winter Melon (冬瓜)

Picture of Winter Melon

Winter Melon was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

October 4, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Takeo Kashiwabara (柏原剛雄)

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