

Bean Sprout (豆もやし)

Picture of Bean Sprout

Bean Sprout was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

May 7, 1999
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Takeshi Okubo (大久保武)

Natto (納豆)

Picture of Natto

Natto is a special kind of soybean that has been fermented. The texture becomes rather slimy and the taste is sharp, like cheese. It contains powerful probiotics, and it's also commonly eaten for breakfast.

Natto was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

June 3, 1994
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Kuniyuki Ishikawa (石川邦行)

February 28, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Tateo Yamazaki (山崎建夫)

October 23, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Tatsutoshi Kumamoto (隈本辰利)

External Link: New York Times Blog

Soybean (ダイズ)

Picture of Soybean

Soybean was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 3, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Yoshie Urabe (卜部吉恵)

Tofu (豆腐)

Picture of Tofu

Tofu was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

November 7, 1993
Iron Chef French Yukata Ishinabe (石鍋裕) vs Toshiyuki Kudō (工藤敏之)

April 7, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Chiyo Chō (張千代)

July 3, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Takaji Yoshida (吉田隆二)

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