

Abalone (アワビ)

Picture of Abalone

Abalone was a theme ingredient in 4 battles:

January 2, 1995
Toshirō Kandagawa (神田川俊郎) vs Tadaaki Shimizu (清水忠明)

May 17, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Tamotsu Takao (高尾保)

July 24, 1998
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Takeshi Kajimoto (梶本剛史)

January 5, 2000
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Rengliang Zhao (趙仁良)

Asura Oyster (阿修羅がき)

Asura Oyster was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 19, 1999
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Toshiya Senba (仙場才也)

Black Tiger Prawn (ブラックタイガー)

Black Tiger Prawn was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

January 30, 1998
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Chiufai Tong (唐朝輝)

Blue Crab (渡り蟹)

Picture of Blue Crab

Blue Crab was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

June 16, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Mingxing Zeng (曽明星)

July 31, 1998
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Miyoko Sakai (酒井美代子)

Botan Prawn (ボタンエビ)

Botan Prawn was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

December 5, 1997
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Kazunari Takada (高橋和名利)

Crab (蟹)

Picture of Crab

Crab was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

December 5, 1993
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Tomitoku Zhou (周富徳)

Crayfish (蝲蛄)

Picture of Crayfish

Crayfish was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

September 15, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Philippe Aubron

Cuttlefish (障泥烏賊)

Picture of Cuttlefish

Cuttlefish was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

May 31, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Ichio Gotō (後藤市雄)

August 20, 1999
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Akira Watanabe (渡辺明)

Dried Abalone (干しアワビ)

Dried Abalone was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

January 12, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Jinyi Gao (高進益)

Dried Scallop (干し貝柱)

Dried Scallop was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

January 17, 1997
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Hiroshi Michifude (道筆博)

Escargot (エスカルゴ)

Picture of Escargot

Escargot was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

November 24, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Bruno Menard

Giant Lobster (巨大伊勢エビ)

Giant Lobster was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

June 11, 1999
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Makoto Osada (長田誠)

Hamaguri Clam (蚌)

Hamaguri Clam was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

April 21, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Kunio Santō (山東邦男)

June 28, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Hideo Tozawa (戸沢英夫)

Horsehair Crab (毛ガニ)

Horsehair Crab was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

November 10, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Kiyotaka Ikegawa (池川清隆)

Iwa Oyster (岩ガキ)

Iwa Oyster was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

July 26, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Masaru Toriumi (鳥海勝)

Japanese Tiger Prawn (クルマエビ)

Japanese Tiger Prawn was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

July 4, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Masaki Kashima (鹿島正己)

External Link: Japanese Tiger Prawn page at Wikipedia.

King Crab (タラバガニ)

Picture of King Crab

King Crab was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

February 5, 1999
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Tetsuji Iio (飯尾哲司)

January 2, 2002
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Yūichirō Ebisu (胡雄一郎)

Lobster (オーマル)

Picture of Lobster

Lobster was a theme ingredient in 6 battles:

November 14, 1993
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Tomiteru Zhou (周富輝)

July 15, 1994
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Tadaaki Shimizu (清水忠明)

April 12, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Pierre Gagnaire

October 10, 1997
Alain Passard vs Patrick Clark

October 9, 1998
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Ron Siegel

September 24, 1999
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一)

Long Armed Shrimp (手長エビ)

Long Armed Shrimp was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

November 3, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Masahiko Hagiwara (萩原雅彦)

October 24, 1997
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Masashi Gotō (後藤雅司)

External Link: Japan Times article on long-armed shrimp

Mantis Shrimp (蝦蛄)

Picture of Mantis Shrimp

Beautiful but dangerous if you aren't careful, mantis shrimp have powerful claws which are used for hunting. They are so fast and so powerful that they are known to break aquarium glass and fingers.

Mantis Shrimp was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

July 18, 1997
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Yoshikazu Matsuno (松野義一)

External Link: The Oatmeal

Octopus (鮹)

Picture of Octopus

Octopus was a theme ingredient in 4 battles:

November 21, 1993
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Kazuhiko Cheng (程一彦)

December 8, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Tadamichi Ōta (大田忠道)

December 31, 1996
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎)

December 11, 1998
Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe (神戸勝彦) vs Hiromichi Yoneda (米田裕道)

Oyster (カキ)

Picture of Oyster

Oyster was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

February 27, 1994
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Guy Shokr

December 15, 1995
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Phillip Groult

Pacific Flying Squid (鯣烏賊)

Pacific Flying Squid was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

September 11, 1998
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Kyōnori Miura (三浦経則)

External Link: Surume Ika page at Shizuoka Gourmet

Pen Shell Clam (タイラギ)

Pen Shell Clam was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

April 24, 1998
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Takashi Shimamura (島村隆)

Prawn (エビ)

Picture of Prawn

Prawn was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 6, 1994
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Kōichi Taniguchi (谷口広一)

Rock Crab (ロッククラブ)

Picture of Rock Crab

Rock Crab was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

March 28, 2000
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Bobby Flay

Scallop (ホタテ)

Picture of Scallop

Scallop was a theme ingredient in 3 battles:

March 20, 1994
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Kyōko Kagata (加賀田京子)

March 15, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Senji Osada (長田銑司)

December 12, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Maurice Guillouët

Shanghai Crab (上海ガニ)

Shanghai Crab was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

November 11, 1994
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Tadashi Sugita (杉田忠)

November 21, 1997
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Tōru Matsushima (松島徹)

Shiba Shrimp (芝エビ)

Shiba Shrimp was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

September 30, 1994
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Takashi Saitō (斉藤隆士)

External Link: Shiba Shrimp page at Wikipedia (Japanese)

Short Neck Clam (鯏)

Short Neck Clam was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 25, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Yoshiko Takemasa (武政佳子)

Snow Crab (松葉ガニ)

Picture of Snow Crab

Snow Crab was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

February 10, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Masao Suzuki (鈴木眞雄)

January 23, 1998
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Yoshimasa Matsumoto (松本吉正)

Soft Shelled Crab (ソフトシェルクラブ)

Soft Shelled Crab was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

September 13, 1996
Iron Chef French Hiroyuki Sakai (坂井宏行) vs Sō Chōmei (曽兆明)

Spear Squid (槍烏賊)

Spear Squid was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

March 10, 1995
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Tetsutoshi Shimazu (哲俊島津)

External Link: Spear Squid at Sushi Geek

Spider Crab (高脚蟹)

Picture of Spider Crab

Spider Crab was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

February 7, 1997
Iron Chef Japanese Kōmei Nakamura (中村孝明) vs Hiroyoshi Morie (森枝弘好)

Spiny Lobster (イセエビ)

Spiny lobsters lack the giant first claws most Westerners associate with lobsters.

Spiny Lobster was a theme ingredient in 4 battles:

December 23, 1994
Toshirō Kandagawa (神田川俊郎) vs Hiromi Yamada (山田宏巳)

March 31, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Chung Chow (周中)

January 8, 1999
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Xie Huaxian (謝華顕)

January 2, 2001
Iron Chef Japanese Masaharu Morimoto (森本正治) vs Bobby Flay

Squid (イカ)

Squid was a theme ingredient in 2 battles:

January 16, 1994
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Weiping Wang (王偉平)

October 6, 1995
Iron Chef Japanese Rokusaburō Michiba (道場六三郎) vs Cheng Hsu (許成)

Taisho Prawn (大正エビ)

Taisho Prawn was a theme ingredient in 1 battle:

August 30, 1996
Iron Chef Chinese Kenichi Chen (陳建一) vs Shinsuke Shimada (島田紳助)

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